We are proud supporters of Evies Gift which is a local charity, and to show our support we have developed a tea blend dedicated to all things pink which was Evie's favourite colour.
The blend is a mixture of apple pieces, rosehip peel, hibiscus petals, flavourings, vanilla pieces & Rose petals.
All profits from the sale of this tea go to the charity.
�This is an extract from the charity web site:
Helping Parents
The �Charity�Evie's Gift was born out of tragedy.� Our daughter Evie was 13 �years old when she died, taken from us by an aggressive brain tumour.� �Following her diagnosis while on holiday in Spain, she was airlifted �home and admitted to Bristol Children's Hospital, where she received the �best care possible from a group of dedicated doctors and nurses.� Evie �spent 9 days in paediatric intensive care and a further 3 weeks on the �high dependency unit.� During that time, we were fortunate enough to be �accommodated in the hospital's bunk rooms on the 6th floor for 4 �nights,�and then at Ronald McDonald House for the remainder of our time �there.
But �others weren't so lucky and too often we saw frightened, tired parents �sleeping on chairs in the Parents' Room/Kitchen or even sleeping in �their cars because they couldn't afford the local hotels.� Having your �child admitted to hospital with a life threatening condition is bad �enough, but having to face tough medical decisions when sleep-deprived �is a dreadful situation to face.� The free accommodation, where �available,�is fantastic, but there isn't enough to go around as we saw �all too often.
So �when our daughter died, we decided to do something about it and tackle �that, and other problems, head on.� Evie's Gift has two main aims: to �give immediate financial assistance to parents whose children have been �admitted to hospital with a life threatening or life limiting condition, �and to fund research into the rare brain cancer that took her from us �too soon.
We �will aim to pay for 2 nights' accommodation locally and help meet other �costs associated with being near your child while they are in �hospital.� That's things like food and travel costs.� We can't cover �everything, but we can take away some of the worry for a couple of days, �allowing stressed out parents to think straight and get some quality �rest.